How can you tell you are right?

1 min readNov 30, 2020

Did you ever question yourself if what you believed in is really the right thing?
Did it ever cross your mind why there is always somebody who is not agreeing in what you stand for? like political, religion, etc. There is always somebody who believe otherwise.

Then you will ask yourself, why an intelligent people like them has a different belief? Am I wrong? Did the principle I always follow is not the correct one after all?

But how can you tell that you are right and they are wrong?
Or all of us are correct, it’s just that the road we are taking are different but the end is still the same.
Or we are all wrong, we are just trying to tell ourselves that we are above others who has different belief.

All I know as of the moment is, I will follow what I believed in. I will respect other’s belief. I will listen to your belief, but it doesn’t mean I will follow them.

I have my own principle, I am who I am because of what I stand for.




Trying to convert into words all the things running into my mind….